Laboratorijski tehnik MS&T - specialist (ž/m/d)/Lab Technician MS&T - senior (f/m/d)

Mar 11, 2025


Biofarmacevtika Mengeš išče izkušenega višjega MS&T laboratorijskega tehnika (ž/m/f), ki bi se pridružil naši ekipi Laboratorija za proizvodne znanosti in tehnologijo (MS&T).

Ključni namen MS&T laboratorija je zagotoviti, da so naši farmacevtski proizvodni procesi natančno zasnovani, robustni ter sposobni dosledno dostavljati visokokakovostne izdelke. Pri nas se osredotočamo na biotehnološki razvoj in proizvodnjo bioloških zdravilnih učinkovin (DS), kot so proteinski bioterapevtiki in virusni vektorji.

V MS&T laboratoriju izvajamo aktivnosti pod ne-GMP pogoji (razvojne prakse) za podporo proizvodnje bioloških učinkovin (DS) – vektorjev celičnih in genetskih terapij in proteinskih bioterapevtikov.

Če ti je všeč:

• molekularna biologija, biotehnologija in delo s celicami,
• reševanje težav in izboljševanje biotehnoloških procesov,
• inovativnost – znanstvena in tehnološka,
• uvajanje in uporaba najnaprednejše tehnologije,
• razvoj in optimizacija,
• tesno delo v ekipi, še posebej, če ti je všeč kombiniranje izvijačev s pipetami, potem je to delo pravo zate!

Kot MS&T Lab Tehnik, senior – USP boš oblikoval_a, izvajal_a, interpretiral_a, poročal_a in izvajal_a znanstvene poskuse za podporo upstream procesov.


Biofarmacevtika Menges is seeking an experienced Senior MS&T Lab Technician to join our Manufacturing, Science & Technology (MS&T) Lab team.

Our lab’s Mission is to ensure that our pharmaceutical production processes are meticulously designed, robust, and capable of consistently delivering high-quality products, focusing on the biotechnological development and production of biological drug substances (DS) such as protein biotherapeutics and viral vectors.

Our activities in MS&T Laboratory are executed under non-GMP (development practices). We support biological Drug Substance (DS) manufacturing – vectors of cell and gene therapies and protein bioterapeutics.

If you like to:

• troubleshoot and improve the biotechnological process,
• innovate – scientifically and technologically,
• implement and use state-of-the art technology,
• develop and optimize,
• closely work in a team,

…and particularly if you like to combine screwdrivers with pipettes, then the work is right for you!

As a MS&T Lab Technician senior - USP
you will design, perform, interpret, report and implement scientific experiments to directly support production processes of biotherapeutics.

About the Role

Vaše ključne odgovornosti:

  • Laboratorijski eksperimenti: Načrtovanje, izvedba in analiza laboratorijskih eksperimentov z evkariontskimi celičnimi linijami (adherentne in suspenzijske) v bioreaktorjih (250 mL, 5 L in 50 L). Spremljanje in ocenjevanje bioprocesnih pogojev.
  • Upravljanje podatkov: Natančno beleženje eksperimentalnih rezultatov in interpretacija podatkov za obveščanje tekočih projektov in izboljšanje procesov.
  • Vzdrževanje laboratorija: Nadzor nad vzdrževanjem laboratorijske opreme, zagotavljanje ustreznih zalog materialov in upravljanje administrativnih nalog, povezanih z delovanjem laboratorija.
  • Medoddelčna podpora: Tesno sodelovanje in podpora drugih oddelkov (proizvodne enote).

Vaš doprinos k delovnem mestu:

  • Diploma ali magisterij iz naravoslovnih ved.
  • Izkušnje s kultivacijami celic v večjih kultivacijskih sistemih, rokovanje z bioreaktorji in delo z ostalimi USP aparaturami.
  • Prilagodljivost, samostojnost, ustrezne koncizne komunikacijske veščine.
  • Poznavanje MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) in računalniško podprtih laboratorijskih sistemov.


  • Tehnične izkušnje: Praktične izkušnje z laboratorijsko bioprocesno opremo (npr. ambr250 robot ali namizni bioreaktorji).
  • Znanje angleščine: Dobro znanje angleškega jezika je ključno za učinkovito sodelovanje s sodelavci in strankami iz različnih mednarodnih lokacij.
  • Osnovno znanje statistike: Praktične izkušnje s statistično programsko opremo, kot je MiniTab, JMP ali podobna orodja.

Z izbranim kandidatom bomo sklenili delovno razmerje za nedoločen čas s poskusno dobo 6 mesecev.

Pridruži se naši dinamični ekipi v Biofarmacevtiki Mengeš, kjer bo tvoje strokovno znanje prispevalo k napredku biotehnoloških procesov in proizvodnji ključnih biofarmacevtskih izdelkov. Ponuja se ti sodelovalno okolje, kjer sta inovativno razmišljanje in tehnična odličnost cenjeni.

Zakaj Novartis?

Naš namen je soustvarjati medicino za izboljšanje in podaljševanje življenja ljudi, naša vizija pa je postati najbolj cenjeno in zaupanja vredno farmacevtsko podjetje na svetu. Kako lahko to dosežemo? S pomočjo naših ljudi. Prav naši sodelavci nas vsak dan spodbujajo, da dosežemo svoje ambicije. Postanit del te misije in se nam pridruži! Več na spodnji povezavi:

Kaj nudimo:

Konkurenčen plačni paket, letni bonus, fleksibilen način dela, z možnostjo prilagajanja urnika in delom od doma, zaposlitev v podjetju s certifikatom TOP Employer, pokojninsko shemo, shemo nagrajevanja in priznanja dosežkov, razširjeni program promocije zdravja na področju telesnega, duševnega in družbenega počutja (Polni življenja) ter dogodke, neomejene priložnosti za učenje in razvoj.

Predani smo raznolikosti in vključenosti:

Novartis si prizadeva ustvariti izjemno, vključujoče delovno okolje in oblikovanje raznolikih timov, saj ti predstavljajo naše bolnike in skupnosti, ki jih oskrbujemo.

Pridružite se naši mreži Novartis:

V kolikor se ne prepoznaš v zgornjem opisu delovnega mesta, te vabimo, da se vpišeš na spodnji povezavi v Novartisovo bazo talentov saj lahko tako tvojo vlogo upoštevamo za podobne pozicije v prihodnosti:

English version:

Your key responsibilities:

  • Laboratory Experiments: Plan, execute, and analyze laboratory experiments involving eukaryotic cell lines (both adherent and suspension) in bioreactor systems up to 50 liters. Monitor and assess bioprocess conditions.
  • Data Management: Accurately document experimental results and interpret data to inform ongoing projects and process improvements.
  • Lab Maintenance: Oversee the maintenance of laboratory equipment, ensure proper stock levels of materials, and manage administrative duties related to lab operations.
  • Cross-functional Support: Collaborate and support of other departments i.e. production units.

What you will bring to the role:

  • Bachelor's or masters in Life Sciences.
  • Proven experience with large-scale cell-cultivation techniques, bioreactor operations, and upstream processing.
  • Candidate should be independent, communicative, and enjoy teamwork.
  • Familiarity with MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) and computer-aided lab systems.

Desirable Requirements:

  • Technical Experience: Hands-on experience with laboratory bioprocessing equipment (i.e ambr250 robot or benchtop bioreactors).
  • Proficiency in English: Good knowledge of the English language is essential for effective collaboration with colleagues and clients from various international locations.
  • Basic Statistics Knowledge: Practical experience with statistical software such as MiniTab, JMP, or similar tools is desired.

We offer permanent employment with 6 months of probation period.

Join our dynamic team at Biofarmacevtika Menges, where your expertise will contribute to the advancement of biotechnological processes and the production of crucial biopharmaceutical products. We offer a collaborative environment where innovative thinking and technical excellence are valued.

Why Novartis?

Our purpose is to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives and our vision is to become the most valued and trusted medicines company in the world. How can we achieve this? With our people. It is our associates that drive us each day to reach our ambitions. Be a part of this mission and join us! Learn more here:

You’ll receive:

Competitive salary, Annual bonus, Flexible working schedule, tailored to your needs, possibility to work from home, Pension scheme, Employee Recognition Scheme, Expanded program for the promotion of health in the field of physical, mental and social well-being (Energized for Life), Unlimited learning and development opportunities.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion:

Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.

Join our Novartis Network:

If this role is not suitable to your experience or career goals but you wish to stay connected to hear more about Novartis and our career opportunities, join the Novartis Network here:

Why Novartis: Helping people with disease and their families takes more than innovative science. It takes a community of smart, passionate people like you. Collaborating, supporting and inspiring each other. Combining to achieve breakthroughs that change patients’ lives. Ready to create a brighter future together?

Join our Novartis Network: Not the right Novartis role for you? Sign up to our talent community to stay connected and learn about suitable career opportunities as soon as they come up:

Benefits and Rewards: Read our handbook to learn about all the ways we’ll help you thrive personally and professionally:

Innovative Medicines
Technical Operations
Full time

Accessibility and accommodation

Novartis is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. If, because of a medical condition or disability, you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the recruitment process, or in order to perform the essential functions of a position, please send an e-mail to and let us know the nature of your request and your contact information. Please include the job requisition number in your message.

Novartis is committed to building an outstanding, inclusive work environment and diverse teams' representative of the patients and communities we serve.

A female Novartis scientist wearing a white lab coat and glasses, smiles in front of laboratory equipment.

Laboratorijski tehnik MS&T - specialist (ž/m/d)/Lab Technician MS&T - senior (f/m/d)

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