#InvisibleNation campaign launch

#InvisibleNation campaign launch

#InvisibleNation campaign launch

Oct 28, 2022

Croi, whose aim is to lead the fight against heart disease and stroke, have launched the very important #InvisibleNation campaign to highlight the importance of management of cholesterol in heart health.  Novartis is delighted to give our support.  Many thanks to Dr Maeve Durkan and Daithi O Sé, campaign ambassadors.  The #InvisibleNation campaign was also launched in the European Parliament.  You can learn more about #InvisibleNation at croi.ie/ascvd 

Source URL: https://prod1.novartis.com/ie-en/stories/invisiblenation-campaign-launch

List of links present in page
  1. https://prod1.novartis.com/ie-en/ie-en/stories/invisiblenation-campaign-launch
  2. https://prod1.novartis.com/ie-en/taxonomy/term/61