Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

About MS

MS is characterized by inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes. In MS, the body’s own immune system attacks the neurons, causing damage to their protective coating called myelin. There are a wide range of clinical symptoms, including problems with vision, movement and sensation, fatigue, pain and cognitive impairment. The causes of MS are still unknown but the understanding of the disease is constantly improving, helping to advance treatment and enabling patients to live a more normal life.

Female patient and male doctor discuss test results

Types of MS

<p>MS can be characterized into four main types: clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and primary progressive MS (PPMS). Every person living with MS has their own unique story and journey with MS, however most people with MS live with RRMS or SPMS.</p>

Novartis is committed to open dialogue and transparent exchange of information with patient organizations. We see patient groups as a key partner in our decision-making throughout the medicines lifecycle. We believe that incorporating the patient perspective in our decision-making ultimately allows us to develop better medicines for the benefit of patients with unmet needs.

Female pharmacist reads customer’s prescription at pharmacy

Treatment options

<p>Novartis is committed to reimagining medicine for people living with MS and we are a pioneer in delivering innovative treatments that improve the lives of patients worldwide.</p>

Female patient smiles at female HCP in waiting room of doctor’s office

MS tools

<p>Novartis, in collaboration with physicians and patients, has developed clinically validated tools to help physicians and patients spot early signs of progression and facilitate a dialogue around any potential changes in the patient’s experience with their MS. Your MS Questionnaire™, for example, is an easy-to-use tool that asks patients about their symptoms in the last six months, so they can have focused discussions with their doctors during consultations.</p>

Women talking while sitting on sofa

Fighting MS through innovation

Learn more about why investment in innovative treatments is vital to alleviating the suffering caused by MS.

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