Project Name: South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust – Clinical Pharmacist Led Secondary Prevention Clinic Collaborative Working Project
Project Summary:
The CWP is structured such that a Clinical Pharmacist, supported by a multi-disciplinary health professional team, will provide tailored care for patients across James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough and Friarage Hospital, Northallerton, aiming towards review and appropriate treatment optimisation, if needed, of high risk ASCVD patients, referred from primary care, who are currently on a waiting list backlog, patients identified via eh lipid clinic as ASCVD high risk, patients within different associated specialties across the trust, identified as needing lipid management support. In addition, the Clinical Pharmacist will support the early identification, review, and medical optimisation of patients with ASCVD in response to the needs of the CW Partner, with the intention of increasing secondary care initiation of medicines and relevant repatriation of patients back to primary care for continuation of their treatment.
Planned Milestones:
- Number of patients within each priority group being identified, collected at baseline and 3 monthly thereafter for the duration of the project.
- Number of patients who have attended a review appointment as part of this project.
- Number of patients who have received a pharmacological intervention (if appropriate) as part of this project.
- Number of eligible patients initiated or up-titrated on lipid-lowering therapies within duration of project if appropriate
- Reduction in referral to treatment time across the cohorts referred into the service.
Expected Benefits:
Anticipated benefits for patients:
- Improved access to lipid management care leading to optimal diagnosis and management of ASCVD treatments.
- Enhanced experience around ASCVD with ongoing management of the condition.
- Improved access to appropriate medication for suitable patients to preserve health and prevent long-term events.
- The additional capacity will provide additional time and support to patients from CW Partner HCPs with their lipid management, focusing on patients who may have previously not attended appointments or been lost to follow-up.
Anticipated benefits for the NHS Organisation:
- Increased proportion of ASCVD patients receiving expert and timely review
- Reduction in ASCVD referral rates to secondary care
- Increased proportion of patients receiving guideline-directed pharmacotherapy
- Insight into benefits of pharmacist led lipid management clinics in secondary care.
- Support aligned to NHS Long Term Plan, CVDPREVENT, and Network Contract DES
- Significant reduction in waiting times
Anticipated benefits for Novartis:
- Insight on the appropriate use of ASCVD licensed medicines in line with NICE guidelines, including Novartis’s medicine
- Enhanced reputation, and supporting Novartis’ vision that no patient should have to wait for an extraordinary life, by supporting high quality Collaborative Working with healthcare organisation which addresses the problem of health inequalities
- Ethical, professional, and transparent relationship between Novartis and the Healthcare Organisation
Start Date & Duration: August 2023 for a duration of 15 months