Discover some of the scientific data we are presenting this year at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) Virtual Congress 2021. These abstracts have been adapted into plain language summaries to help increase understanding of complex data. Please note that abstract summaries only contain information from the full scientific abstract and selected supporting references. The results of these studies may not reflect those of other studies. Summaries are not intended to provide medical advice nor intended for promotional use.
EULAR Abstract summaries preview

The effect of secukinumab on non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis at 2 years

A simplified overview of the abstract presented at EULAR June 2, 2021

EULAR Abstract summaries preview

Secukinumab effect across the axial spondyloarthritis spectrum at 1 year

A simplified overview of the abstract presented at EULAR June 3, 2021.

EULAR Abstract summaries preview

Using sensitive ultrasound imaging to understand response of psoriatic arthritis to secukinumab over 24 weeks

A simplified overview of the abstract presented  at EULAR June 4, 2021.

EULAR Abstract summaries preview

Secukinumab effect in two types of arthritis seen in children and adolescents at two years

A simplified overview of the abstract presented at EULAR June 5, 2021.