Thank you for showing your interest in doing business with Novartis. You should have received an email inviting you to become a Novartis supplier, this email will contain all the details required for the onboarding process.

Supplier onboarding process - self-registration

Sign up or Log in




  • Using your ANID, complete the Novartis Registration form
  • The form is reviewed by Novartis and approved
Get Qualified


  • Upon internal assessment, you might receive another email from the Novartis Third Party Risk management (TPRM) team providing instructions to access additional relevant qualification questionnaires(s)
  • The questionnaires are reviewed by Novartis TPRM & Qualifications teams to access whether you are qualified for the relevant category and region
Start doing business


  • Once qualified, Novartis can now place the first Purchase Order with you for the approved category

The new supplier onboarding process enables you to self register with simple, step by step questionnaires to gather the details we need about you and your organization. After you have submitted your questionnaires in SAP® Ariba® Network(link is external), our Supplier Onboarding team will start the due diligence and qualification steps to create you as a supplier. If you need to update any details, please log in to SAP® Ariba® Network(link is external). Your update(s) require Novartis approval to be effective.

Still need help?

If you have any questions about Novartis Supplier Registration Form,

please refer to our Quick Reference Card (PDF 0.2 MB)(link is external)

For other Supplier Onboarding questions,

please refer to our FAQ document (PDF 0.2 MB)(link is external)

Still need help to be onboard? Please reach out to our Supplier engagement team. After you fully onboarded with Novartis, you can raise enquiry by clicking ‘How to get Support’ on the Supplier Portal landing page.